If You’re Serious About More Conservatives
Winning Elections

& If You’re Tired of Losing Close Races that Could Have Been Won

Here’s What You Can Do…

Just imagine the sheer “what-might-have-been” agony Sherry Higgins will go through the rest of her life…

In her May 17, 2022 primary for North Carolina’s District 115 seat in the state Legislature, Higgins trailed by just 7 votes in the unofficial Election Night totals.

After absentee ballots were counted, she trailed by only 3.

When the official votes were announced on May 27, she and her opponent ended up tied at 3,145 to 3,145.

Per state law, an automatic machine recount was then conducted.

Again, the race ended in a tie.

The election department then conducted a manual hand-eye recount and she ended up losing by… ONE VOTE!

It didn’t have to be that way…

Higgins reportedly only raised and spent a grand total of $464.04. She didn’t do any mailers to voters. She didn’t have a campaign website. And her campaign Facebook page only had 25 followers.

If Sherry Higgins had been enrolled in even one of our campaign training programs, there’s no doubt in my mind she would have learned at least one thing that would have given her that one vote needed to avoid the loss… and

probably enough to secure the win.

The cold, harsh reality is this…

It’s Not Necessarily The Best Candidate
Who Wins, But The Candidate Who
Runs The Best Campaign

Plenty of good conservative candidates lose every election cycle because, frankly, they have no idea what they’re doing. And in most cases, it’s not their fault. (Often it’s their consultants!)

They’ve simply never been taught that they’re running a marketing campaign, not a political campaign. That campaigns are about sales and persuasion, not issuing press releases on their 10-point platform.

It’s not that conservative candidates are wrong on the issues. They just stink on ice when it comes to messaging, communicating and “selling” their ideas and candidacies.

That’s Where The Campaign
Management College Comes In
Our training focuses on showing candidates, party leaders and grassroots activists how to PERSUADE voters to their side by using time-tested, proven sales strategies and tactics from the business world. And That’s Why I’m Inviting You To Become A Charter Member Of The Campaign Management College’s “Leadership Council” With A Gift Of $1,000 Or More Today

Candidates need to learn about marketing. They need to study marketing. They need to live, breathe and eat marketing. Marketing, marketing, marketing.

And It Works!
Let Me Give You Two Examples…

#1: Oscar Goodman made his bones as a lawyer representing some of the most notorious crime figures in American history. And none of the “experts” thought he had a prayer of ever being elected mayor of Las Vegas.

But Oscar used his considerable skills, honed in persuading juries – as well as his skills in publicity and public relations – to persuade voters to elect him. Which they did. Three times.

“When [Chuck] tells you something, it’s
like EF Hutton talking. Follow his advice
and he will guide you to victory.”
– Former Mayor Oscar Goodman

#2: Dennis Hof was the owner of a half-dozen brothels – which are legal in certain Nevada counties. And none of the “experts” thought he had a prayer of ever being elected to a seat in the state Legislature.

But Dennis used his considerable skills in sales, marketing, publicity and public relations – honed early in his business career as a time-share salesman – to persuade voters to elect him. Which they did, even though Dennis…

Died three weeks before the election!

Before I met Chuck, my campaign for the state Legislature was stalled. With his help, our team went from zero to 120 in a matter of days.” – Late Nevada Assemblyman Dennis Hof
If A “Mob Lawyer” And A “Dead Pimp” Can Get Elected…
But you have to run campaigns very differently from the kinds of vanilla, cookie-cutter, talking-points campaigns usually run (into the ground) by today’s poli-sci majors and “professional” political consultants. And that’s what I teach in a pair of intensive, in-person Campaign Management College “boot camps.”

Campaign Boot Camp: This boot camp is for anyone who has an interest in running for office, working on a campaign, or simply becoming a more effective grassroots activist. It focuses on the basics of launching a campaign, developing a strategy and persuading voters through a wide variety of media.

Fundraising Boot Camp: This boot camp is for candidates, party leaders, campaign managers and heads of conservative grassroots organizations. It focuses on raising the money needed through in-person solicitation, dialing-for-dollars, direct mail and events.

I’ve been training and “coaching” candidates at live seminars and workshops all across the country for over 25 years now. I also currently have over 6,000 candidates and activists nationwide subscribed to my free weekly “Campaign Hot Tips” e-newsletter.

And as Las Vegas Review-Journal editor Steve Sebelius wrote…

“I’ve known (Chuck) Muth for years, and while we haven’t agreed on every issue,

he’s an underappreciated member of his party who offers consistently

good advice to its candidates and leaders, if only they would take it.”

Or as reporter John L. Smith once put it…

“Muth is more than a conservative blogger. He’s a political

mechanic, a guy who isn’t just in this to discuss the

issues, but to tear out the competition’s throat.”

But if you and I really want to advance the conservative cause – now and in the future – we need to reach and train a LOT more candidates and activists.

To do that, I need the resources to reach thousands more conservatives who are ready, willing and able to throw their hats in the ring (it’s estimated that around a half-million Americans run for various offices across the country every election cycle).

Because as founding father John Adams warned, if good people don’t, others will.

And We Especially Need To Get Serious
About Developing A “Farm Team” Of
New Conservative Candidates For
School Boards, City Councils, County Commissions And State Legislative Seats.

The Campaign Management College is committed to providing these boot camps and training seminars to anyone who is interested, regardless of their financial means.

And your Charter Membership will help underwrite the cost of putting on these programs so we can keep the cost for attendees to under $50 per person (normal registration fee is $495).

In addition, not everyone can attend a boot camp in person – especially when you add in travel expenses – even for the heavily discounted fee. So we’re putting the training programs online for conservatives – such as Sherry Higgins – to access anywhere in the country at any time.

The current political environment confronts us with serious challenges – and an opportunity – of historic proportions.

That’s why the Board of Trustees for Citizen Outreach Foundation decided to launch this training and development program of unprecedented scope and intensity.

The Campaign Management College will be our highest priority for at least the next two years, leading up to the presidential election in 2024. But if we’re to really make a big difference, I need your help.

That’s Why I Invite You To Become
A Charter Member Of The Leadership
Council Today With A Gift
Of $1,000 Or More

As a Charter Member of the Leadership Council, you’ll play a leadership role in training, supporting and electing more conservatives all across America and helping to build on the successes and important work we’ve been doing for the last 25+ years.

But unlike all too many campaigns and organizations, we don’t treat our financial supporters like ATM machines. We want you to be fully informed on how we’re using your money and as involved as you want to be.

So as a Charter Member of the Leadership Council, you’re entitled to…

So As A Charter Member Of
The Leadership Council,
You’re Entitled To…

A copy of my monthly “FYI” newsletter so you’ll be kept up-to-date on the progress you’re helping to put into action

An autographed copy of my “101 Greatest Conservative Quotes of All Time” book so you’ll be armed with quick comebacks to liberals who try to get in your face and misrepresent issues

An “Honorary Degree in Psephology” (pronounced see-FOLLOW-gee; the study of campaigns and elections) certificate, suitable for framing and hanging in your home or office so folks will know you’re not just a bystander in the fight for liberty and freedom

Advanced invitations to special events with conservative VIP’s – online and offline – including exclusive “Member Only” events and discounted (or free) registrations

Participation in regular member opinion surveys that will help guide us in improving our training programs and developing new ones

And a pair of EXTRA-SPECIAL surprise gifts at the end of this letter.

If You Want To Make A REAL Difference In Getting More Conservatives Elected … THIS Is It.

But if becoming a Charter Member of the Leadership Council isn’t possible right now, I’ll appreciate any contribution you can send. But please send it now so we can keep the momentum going.

Let me close with this…

There’s a good chance you’re reading about me and the Campaign Management College right now for the first time. I’m a stranger. As such, you may be asking yourself…

“Is this guy for real? Will he really do what he says he will? Is supporting his efforts really a good investment of my money?” Fair questions. And if I was in your shoes, I’d be asking the same thing.

So let me do something I don’t think I’ve ever seen any similar non-profit organization do for their donors which will give you the highest level of comfort and confidence in joining the team…

Offer You A No-Risk,
Money-Back Guarantee!

(See…I DO “swipe” the best ideas from the business world.)

Become a Charter Member of the Leadership Council. Then give me 90 days to see for yourself, beyond even a shadow of doubt, that I’m not “all hat,

no cattle”…

And If You Don’t Think I’ve Lived Up To My Promises, Just Ask For Your $1,000 Membership Donation Back. I’ll Cut You A Refund Check That Day. No Questions Asked. No Muss, No Fuss.

And you can keep the surprise gifts I’ve included at the end of this letter. THAT’S how confident I am that this will prove to be the best $1,000 you’ll spend all year if you want to help get more conservatives elected.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this letter.


Chuck Muth


P.S: Here Are Your Two Free Gifts

The problem with most campaign training programs is that there’s no ongoing support for the candidates after they leave the seminar or workshop. Folks go back to their campaign and always have follow-up questions… but no one to ask once the seminar is over.

Well, I’ve Fixed That Problem With A New, Private, And Affordable Consulting Program Called The “Winners Circle.”

Candidates get ongoing support through a private Facebook support group, where candidates post questions and I, and other group members, answer them.

The program also includes a “call-in day” once a month where candidates can consult with me directly, one-on-one on a first come/first serve basis, and ask questions about their specific campaign or organization.

The normal cost to the candidate is just $500 for a year – a fraction of what a good campaign manager or consultant charges.


Had Sherry Higgins Been In This Program, I Have No Doubt She’d Have Won Her Race Instead Of Losing It By One Vote.

Due to time constraints, the number of candidates I accept into this program is strictly limited to 200. Above that, there’s a waiting list.

As A Member Of The Leadership Council, I’m Extending To You – At No Cost –

Two Scholarships To The Winners

Circle Program (A $1,000 Value).

You can award these scholarships to any candidate, party leader, organization head or grassroots activist of your choice (enrollment applications enclosed).

Or if you prefer, I can extend your scholarships to deserving candidates I’m aware of in your name – or anonymously, if you prefer.

Just include your scholarship applications along with your membership donation of $1,000 or more for the Campaign Management College’s “Leadership Council.”

There’s no expiration date for the scholarships…so if you want to hold onto them for a candidate in the future, no problem. And yes, if you’d like to use one of the scholarships for yourself…also, no problem.

The Winners Circle Will Be A

Game-Changer For A Lot Of Candidates. And If You – Like Me – Seriously Want

To Help Get More Conservatives Elected, This Is A Rock-Solid Way To Do It.

P.P.S. The Winners Circle program is limited to only 200 people at a time. So if you have candidates who could use this help right now, I’d suggest returning your scholarship applications ASAP.

P.P.P.S. If you prefer to scan and email me your scholarship applications, send them to: chuck@campaigndoctor.com.

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