The biggest mistake most candidates (and most political professionals) make is thinking they’re running a political campaign.
They’re not. They’re running a marketing campaign.
So if you REALLY want to know how to win your race, you better learn MARKETING.
And if you really want to learn marketing, you better attend the SAM event in Las Vegas on June 13-14.
It’s kinda like TED – each speaker only gets 21 minutes – but the entire focus is on Sales, Advertising and Marketing.
I’ve looked at the roster of speakers and can vouch for the quality of the line-up. I know a number of them personally and have heard a number of others speak before.
This is the REAL DEAL.
These aren’t yahoo wannabe’s. These are true, bona fide, card-carrying sales, advertising and marketing EXPERTS.
Granted, none of them are going to be talking specifically about political campaigns. But the principles are absolutely the same.
Seriously, if you’re SERIOUS about winning, you’d be INSANE not to spend two days at SAM next month.
Especially since it’s…FREE!
Until they run out of tickets.
And yes, I’ve already registered. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.
The sales/registration page – even if you don’t attend the event itself (but you should!) – is an invaluable marketing lesson all its own.
And let me know if you register to attend. Maybe we’ll organize a get-together Thursday night after Day One for an informal meet-up, tilt back a couple of beers and “strategerize.”
For more info or to register, go to:
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology*
* Psephology (pronounced see-follow-gee): The study of campaigns and elections