Some folks have asked what I mean when I criticize “cookie-cutter” communications that come from the inside-the-beltway Political Industrial Complex. Here’s a perfect example from yesterday.
The National Republican Congressional Committee issued a pair of emails on impeachment last night.
The subject line of the first, directed at Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV), read…
“Lee Votes to End Her Career”
The subject line of the second, directed at Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV), read…
“Horsford Votes to End His Career”
The text of the first one read…
“Hi! Susie Lee today made good on her obsessive hatred for President Trump, voting to impeach and remove the President of the United States from office. NRCC Comment: ‘Susie Lee’s vote to impeach President Trump destroys any chance she has for reelection and shows Nevada voters she’s exactly like the rest of the socialist Democrats.’ – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair”
The text of the second one read…
“Hi! Steven Horsford today made good on his obsessive hatred for President Trump, voting to impeach and remove the President of the United States from office. NRCC Comment: ‘Steven Horsford’s vote to impeach President Trump destroys any chance he has for reelection and shows Nevada voters he’s exactly like the rest of the socialist Democrats.’ – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair”
Nothing unique. Nothing different. Only the names were changed. This is called “phoning it in.”
Too many DC communications consultants and operations do this sort of thing on a regular basis. If you’re using one of them, guard against such “cookie-cutter” comms.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology*
P.S. Campaign Hot Tips will be taking a break next week to celebrate the holidays. But when we come back, I’ll have a big announcement of some changes coming as we enter the official 2020 election cycle. Stay tuned and…
* Psephology (see-follow-gee): The study of campaigns and elections