Tom Lehrer was a musician/humorist in the 1960’s who developed a cult-like following on American college campuses. His ditties were often played on the Doctor Demento Show for those, like me, old enough to remember.
Here’s the intro to one of his songs…
“Speaking of love, one problem that recurs more and more frequently these days, in books and plays and movies, is the inability of people to communicate with the people they love… I feel that if a person can’t communicate, the very least he can do is to shut up.”
If only more of today’s politicians would take Lehrer’s advice!
Now, if you find yourself having difficulty communicating and connecting with your audience effectively in your campaign speeches – or worse, boring them to tears – don’t worry. Anybody can get better – much better.
But you need to learn from someone who, you know, actually knows what the hell they’re talking about AND has the ability to show you how to do it right. Most “political” consultants don’t.
Enter Ed Rush.
I met Ed at a marketing conference in Cleveland a couple years ago. He’s a former F-18 Top Gun fighter pilot, celebrity speaker, professional public speaking trainer – and funny as hell.
I know he knows what he’s doing and knows how to teach it because…I hired him to coach me!
And here’s some advice Ed just sent out a couple days ago …
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Most marketing STINKS.
Most messages FAIL to connect.
Most media LOSES money.Why?
Because THEY…ARE…BORING.The ONE way to fix all that is in a technique I call “The First Pitch Home Run.”
It works like this…the EXACT moment you are introduced, you need to come out strong.
For example…
Most speakers spend their first 3 minutes thanking the introducer.
Most authors spend their first 3 pages on testimonials.
Most sales people spend the first 3 minutes (or maybe 30) talking about themselves.
Don’t.Instead do this: start every presentation, video, zoom meeting, or book with a strong opening story or hook.
* * * * *
There’s that word again: “story.” Which I covered in detail in this month’s Psephology Today (see subscription info in P.S.)
For a great example of what Ed’s talking about, click the link below and watch one of his presentations about how he almost killed himself on his first F-18 carrier landing…
That presentation was filmed at one of Ed’s 3-day “The Ultimate Speaker” training seminars. And his next one is coming up April 23-25 in Dallas, Texas. I’m going. You should, too. It’ll be worth every penny!
For more information, click here.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology*
P.S. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my Psephology Today newsletter – conveniently delivered right to your door every month by your friendly neighborhood mailman (or woman) – you’re missing a TON of in-depth information that’ll get you more votes, more donors, more volunteers and more media coverage.
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* Psephology (see-follow-gee): The study of campaigns and elections