One of the biggest mistakes candidates make in their fundraising requests is making their pitch all about how the CANDIDATE will benefit instead of how the DONOR will benefit.
Here are 7 sentences you can modify that will make your fundraising requests far more “donor-centric” and effective, courtesy of the Better Fundraising Blog…
1.) “You are one of our most faithful donors, and I’m going to be very direct.”
2.) “You can really make a difference in the lives of suffering people.”
3.) “When you give, it’s as if you’re right there beside us, caring for people in the field.”
4.) “Look at how much good you can do; you can…”
5.) “Here’s why your gift is so important.”
6.) “[NAME], you’ve already been so generous, but I want you to know about the incredible need right now – and the opportunity for you to help.”
7.) “Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to respond to this letter now.”
It should be obvious that the most important words in these sentences are “you” and “your,” not “I,” “me” or “my.”
Take a look at your website’s “Donation” page, your fundraising letters and your “dialing for dollars” script. Are they about YOU and how you’ll benefit – or about the DONOR and how he/she will benefit?
If it’s not about them, swipe and use one or more of the sentences above and watch your fundraising success skyrocket.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology*
P.S. If you’re a novice at fundraising, or would rather listen to a Hillary Clinton interview than ask for donations, read my Special Report titled, “The Fearless Fundraising Formula: How Anyone – Even YOU – Can Overcome Their Fear of Asking Strangers for Money and Become a World-Class Fundraiser in 7 Days or Less … Guaranteed!”
The report is FREE for all new subscribers to my monthly Psephology Today newsletter – conveniently delivered right to your door every month by your friendly neighborhood mailman (or woman).
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* Psephology (see-follow-gee): The study of campaigns and elections