As my high school sales mentor, Don Brown, taught me so long ago…
“If you haven’t put your ideas down on paper, you haven’t thought them all the way through.”
Most candidates don’t have written campaign plans.
Which means they haven’t thought their campaigns all the way through.
Have you written a campaign plan?
Have you ever even SEEN a written campaign plan?
Well, you will if you attend this week’s Campaign Boot Camp in Las Vegas.
In fact, not only will I be going step-by-step through the elements of a comprehensive written Campaign Plan, I’ll actually give you a 36-page Campaign Plan TEMPLATE you can use as a guide to construct your own.
Thursday, May 23, 2019 from 5:00 – 7:30.
And by the way, this document can be EXTREMELY helpful in your fundraising efforts.
Special Bonus!
Everyone who attends Thursday’s Campaign Boot Camp will also receive a free copy of my new book: “17 Secrets to Direct Mail Fundraising: How to Get Your Envelope Opened, Your Letter Read and a Check in the Mail.”
The tips in the book are perfect for creating voter contact mail, as well.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology*
P.S. Special Note to Winners Circle Members
If you don’t live in Las Vegas or can’t make it to this week’s Campaign Boot Camp, don’t worry. I’ll be mailing you a copy of the Campaign Plan template in June’s “Swipe File” package, which should go out on Wednesday.
Membership has its privileges!
If you’re not a Winners Circle member yet, take advantage of our special $1 trial offer TODAY so you’ll get the Campaign Plan template – along with everything else that comes with your membership.
* Psephology (pronounced see-follow-gee): The study of campaigns and elections